Peggy’s Restaurant

We’re putting together the information that will go on this page. Suffice it to say that it will be a memorial page to Peggy’s Restaurant, which Mama Peggy and her sister, Loretta Chaney, ran for over two decades. If you lived in Kings Mountain, North Carolina during the mid 1970’s to the late 1990’s, you probably heard of Peggy’s Restaurant. Heck, you probably ate there at least once. Peggy’s Restaurant was one of those gems that was treasured locally, and is still talked about fondly by those who remember it.



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Ollie Renee Lovelace

Just wanted to say I tried the stewed potatoes d your cornbread recipe bc i was bored, hungry & just wanted sumin different from my own & I have to say I was not disappointed! Truly southern & truly authentic.. Thanks Peggy. Just like grandma made!! Can’t wait to try more!! Blessings from north Mississippi..
Love Ollie

Brenna Stoppiello

I was looking for a recipe for stewed potatoes like my grandma used to make, found it here! Thank you!!
By the way, my grandpa was born at Kings Mountain in 1923. I enjoyed reading about your family, the restaurant and looking at the pics. I will definitely be coming back for more great southern recipes. Wish your restaurant was still open i would visit for sure.


Cannot wait to try this cake. My husbands favorite cake is a black walnut layer cake. Now that I find black walnuts in sam’s and wal mart it is easy to bake one. Will try this for Christmas. Enjoyed looking at this sight. We live in north Georgia.

Glinda Brust

These recipes bring back some sweet memories. I am from Lumberton NC.I now live in Florida been here since a child. I miss that good food. Thank you for sharing.

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