
My Comedian Brother Jack

In every family, I think, there is one person who stands out in one way or another. In my family

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Thinkin' About My Mama

I don't know why, but for the last few weeks I have had Mama on my mind. I've been remembering

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  • November 23, 2008

Libby's Journey

This is so hard!  Having to watch your best friend die!  She was supposed to go on a trip to

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My Baby Sister Sherry's Birthday

I just can't believe that the youngest of the "Chaney Bunch" is 71 years old today. I've been thinking a

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"Happy BirthDay to Our Friend"by "Sis" Chaney

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR FRIEND We'll always think of you as one, Who will always be a friend, As friendship

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"His Presence"written by Dot "Sis" Chaney

His Presence I may never live to see My life completely trouble free, Or walk a straight and narrow road,

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My Sister, My Friend,"Sis" As We All Called Her!

I had a dream last night about my sister, "Sis".  In the dream I was rolling her hair. She was

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My Nephew Joe

The sanctuary was hushed as Tommy brought his mother, my sweet sister Edith, in a wheel chair down to the

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My Hero, My sister, Lucille

I sat beside her bed as she slept, tracing my finger along her arm and hand. The room was darkening

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Remembering My Daddy

Every time I walk into Eastside Baptist Church, I think of my beloved daddy and how much he loved that

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