We almost didn’t post this recipe. Making cornbread was such a simple, every day thing for Mama Peggy that she never thought about writing down a recipe. Who needs a recipe for cornbread? Well, some of us do! And here’s how you can make it like Mama Peggy.

Peggy’s Cornbread
We almost didn't post this recipe. Making cornbread was such a simple, every day thing for Mama Who needs a recipe for cornbread? Well, some of us do!
- 2 lg eggs
- 2 cups buttermilk
- ¼ cup Crisco
- 2 cups self-rising corn meal mix
- ¼ cup all-purpose flour
- Heat oven to 450 degrees.
- Coat 8 or 9 inch skillet or cornbread pan with Crisco.
- Beat egg in medium bowl.
- Stir in buttermilk, Criscon corn meal, and flour and mix until smooth. Batter should be pour-able. If too thick, add a little more buttermilk.
- Place the skillet or cornbread pan you prepared into the oven 7 to 8 minutes until hot (this helps with your crust).
- Pour your prepared mixture in the the skillet or pan.
- Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.
- For a little extra richness, remove cornbread after it has started to rise and coat the top with butter, then place back in the oven to finish.
If you make this with regular corn meal (meaning not self-rising), add 2 tsp of baking powder and leave out the 1/4 cup of all-purpose flour
Thank you very much for posting this. My mother learned from my grandmother how to make buttermilk cornbread just like this, and I’ve been looking for a recipe since the 80s! My mom never measured or used a recipe, so I was afraid this treat was gone forever. Can’t wait to try it – it looks just like theirs! Thank you!!
do i add the flour in step 4? Instructions do not say.